
What's on this page?

Who is this for?

Harvard College students who have applied to graduate, Concentration departments interested in making a recommendation

Honors for Undergraduate Degrees

Types of Honors

English Honors (Departmental Honors)

Determined by the department, committee, School, or program that oversees your concentration and based solely on work completed for your concentration.

English Honors is reflected on your transcript.

Latin Honors (College Honors)

FAS makes recommendations to the Governing Boards of the University based on your full student record. 

Latin Honors is reflected on your transcript and diploma.

Qualifying Criteria

Your concentration department must submit your official recommendation in the my.harvard FAS Graduation Tracker (see Degree Deadlines). Grade point averages are based on all completed letter-graded courses taken while at Harvard including all failed courses, courses taken for credit in Harvard Summer School, and by cross-registration only as appropriate (see Grade Point Averages for Undergraduates).

You must meet the following criteria to qualify for honors:

  • You are a degree candidate in the active graduation term
  • Your concentration makes a recommendation by the deadline
  • Earn 96 credits in qualifying letter grades

May 2023 Grade Point Cutoffs for Honors


summa cum laude in field


magna cum laude in field


cum laude
in field


cum laude

Need Assistance?

Honors Support

VisitDepartment concentrations

  • to find contact information if you have questions about qualifying for honors

VisitResident Dean

  • to find contact information if you have questions about qualifying for honors